"Wanna take more little fish?" " Wanna take a big fish entire in your image?"
"Wanna take more wide landscape?" " Wanna take more clear image without backscatter ?" interchangeable wet wide conversion lens close-up lens.
You need an external strobe and intercahngeble wet conversion lens and close-up lens. What we need for underwater accessories in severe condition? Yes, we need "simple & secure" system.
INON strobe system and attachment lenses are compact and easy to handle, yet carrying exceptional performance for every user. INON produces unique and innovative underwater photographic system with consistent pursuits for uncompromising quality to satisfy every digital camera user's high requirements.

The combination of "Grip Base D4" and "D Holder" easily provides dual strobe configuration with Z-240/D-2000/S-2000. The Grip Base D4 is attached on a Mount Base with two screws supports secure fixation against severe underwater condition.

Multicore Optical D Cable for Reliable Flashing
INON "Optical D Cable/Cap (Bush) Set" catches light from built-in flash of a digital camera stored in a housing underwater to trigger Z-240/D-2000/S-2000 without fault. Connecting via Optical D Cable Type L which uses fiber optics enables to trigger an external strobe more reliably comparing to conventional wireless slave system, even in bright condition like just under the surface or shooting backlit subject. INON "Clear Photo System" (*1) effectively suppress several disadvantages of transparent housing like marine snow, ghost and flare.
The INON optical fiber has distinctive advantage being made up of more than 200 fibers and each single fiber is thinner than hair carrying high tolerance against breakage with unbelievable minimum bend radius 2mm. Though other manufacture's optical fiber looks like same as INON's optical fiber, their structure is single core which limits its minimum bend radius to about 10mm. At the minimum bend radius, the single core type fiber optics loses about 50% of optical signal resulting in poor flashing of external strobe. INON's multicore type optical fiber loses almost NO optical signal when bending at 10mm bend radius to support reliable external strobe flashing. Multicore fiber optics acquires not only assure signal transmission but also enables to have high quality scroll design.
(*1) Clear Photo System compatibility varies by model.

Optical D Cable Type L/Cap Set screwed on a white diffuser panel of genuine housing.

Optical D Cable Type L/Cap Set attached on a bayonet part of Mount Base.

High tolerant plastic fiber optics. No damage even pinched like this. The high tolerance leads secure optical signal transmission.

Cross sectional illustration of INON multicore optical fiber
Cross sectional illustration of conventional single core optical fiber

Optical D Cable Type L Cap (Bush) Set reliably triggers strobe
The light receiving unit can accept maximum two Optical D Cable Type L. So it is easy to set-up dual strobe configuration only with an additional Optical D Cable Type L.
Once Optical D Cable Type L is fixed on a housing or Mount Base, screw the connector on the slave sensor of Z-240/D-2000/S-2000. Simple yet reliable INON optical connection system never miss precious moment to capture even in severe underwater.

Optical D Cable Type L/Cap Set is equipped with a mirror to support rellable light transmission from built-in flash to an optical fiber

Optical fiber receiving part and its cap. An optical fiber is securely held by lightly tightening the cap. The extra hole for additional fiber optics to conenct add-on strobe.

Strobe connector is screwed on the slave sensor of Z-240/D-2000/S-2000. Never drops off underwater to support reliable optical signal transmission to trigger an external strobe.

Optical D Cable Type L/Cap Set attached on a bayonrt part of Mount Base

Optical D Cable Type L/Cap Set screwed on white diffuser panel of genuine housing.

Mount Base for Easy and Reliable Lens Installation/Replacement
(*1) AD Mount series lens: UFL-165AD Fish-eye Conversion Lens (underwater only), UWL-105AD Wide Conversion Lens, UCL-165AD Close-up Lens
(*2) 28AD Mount series lens: UWL-100 28AD Wide Conversion Lens

Holds AD Mount / 28AD Mount attachment lens on Arms. This is essential for divers shooting macro, wide, super macro and ultra macro in single dive. Also helps to exchange lenses underwater. Holds maximum two lense.