Lightweight and Compact Corrosion-resistant Aluminum Alloy Body
A housing body is made from corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy providing comfortable controllability even in high water pressure in addition to reliability and durability as metal body.
The front body panel is manufactured by ultra precision casting technique while rear body panel is machined from an aluminum block. The total body is designed to enhance advantages of both manufacturing procedure to balance "size", "underwater weight" and "strength".

Ergonomically Friendly Exterior Design
The body shape and design allows each right hand fingers come to neutral position to take a firm grip and thumb hook on the back panel assists to hold the housing firmly without effort.
The "X-2 for GF1" requires different shooting style from conventional underwater housing for SLR camera which is equipped with a viewfinder, to see a high-definition LCD monitor thus location/angle of right thumb rest and shutter release lever is specifically designed to support comfortable operation.

Stress-free Control Layout
Almost every function of the LUMIX GF1 is operable from housing controls*. You can access to Cursor buttons/Rear dial right away without changing right hand position. The built-in flash can be completely closed by a housing control lever.
The back panel has large "LCD monitor window" not only to see the LCD monitor itself but also provides visual contact with camera's control buttons to enhance intuitive operation underwater. This large transparent panel also helps to find out accidental flooding in its early stage.
*The "Drive mode lever" is not accessible. The "Rear dial" can be rotated from housing control but can not be pressed. However almost all settings by the "Rear dial" can be also managed by the "Q.MENU" button and "Cursor" buttons.

Ample Inner Space for Comfortable Camera Installation/Removal
A camera is precisely fixed in the housing at the tripod-screw and both shoulder strap eyelets.
Since neither of front nor side of the camera contacts with the housing, water-pressure never cause any unexpected operation of the camera.
You can put the camera in the housing even with an optional leather panel kit being attached.
Spacious inner construction allows you to put fingers between the camera and the housing to pull out the camera easily by one hand, and further helps to gain buoyancy to have less underwater weight.

Fully Compatible with Time Proven "S-TTL" Auto Strobe System
Flooding-free four Optical D Connectors are equipped as standard feature to benefit simple yet reliable "S-TTL" Auto with maximum four external strobes supporting accurate exposure simply by pressing the shutter release button even for high power multi-lighting circumstances allowing you to focus on artistic intention or composition.

Wide Variety of Lens Port from Macro to Fisheye
Compatible lens ports support five different lenses; Panasonic "45mm/F2.8 Macro", "20mm/F1.7 Pancake", "14-42mm/F3.5-5.6 II Zoom","14-42mm/F3.5-5.6 Zoom", "14-45mm/F3.5–5.6 Zoom", "7–14mm/F4 Zoom" and "8mm/F3.5 Fisheye". All lens ports use optical lens with multi coating to take full advantage of optical performance of LUMIX/LEICA lenses.
Olympus 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 II R Zoom lens is also usable. With combined M67 series close-up lens, UWL-H100 28M67 Type2 wide conversion lens or UFL-M150 ZM80 underwater micro-fisheye lens attached on compatible lens port, various shooting chances are with you.
Zooming operation and 45mm/F2.8 Macro lens focusing operation uses INON patented "MRS (Magnetic Rotary System) Port" using magnetic attraction to turn lens barrel with light torque as like controlling a lens on land.
Lens ports for Panasonic "45mm/F2.8 Macro", "14-42mm/F3.5-5.6 Zoom", "14-45mm/F3.5–5.6 Zoom" and "7–14mm/F4 Zoom" and Olympus "14-42mm/F3.5-5.6 II R Zoom" consist of two components; a universal base port and specific front port for each different lens model where only optional front port is required to use other lens model.