Quick Holder System

Quick Holder System

Quick Holder

Quick Holder

Quick Base

Quick Base
The Quick Holder System is designed to attach/remove a strobe, LED torch etc. instantly.
Removing/attaching combined strobe/LED torch instantly from camera system benefits you in various scenes including battery replacement between dives, off-camera lighting to use an LED torch as a dive torch or use a strobe for back lighting etc.
Quick Holder Set
User friendly operation only by pressing a single lock button
Quick Holder System
The Quick Holder System is designed to attach/remove a strobe, LED torch etc. instantly.
Removing/attaching combined strobe/LED torch instantly from camera system benefits you in various scenes including battery replacement between dives, off-camera lighting to use an LED torch as a dive torch or use a strobe for back lighting etc.
Quick Holder Set
User friendly operation only by pressing a single lock button
Quick Holder System


Quick Holder System supports a strobe, LED torch and lens mount for action cameras etc. from INON.

“Quick Base S”
system configuration

Quick Holder LE/LF/Z can be combined
Quick Base S

“Quick Base M6W”
system configuration

A strobe of Front Mask on top and
Quick Holder LE/LF/Z on sides can be combined.
Quick Base M6W

Quick Holder Set

Quick Holder Set S-LF

JAN code:4562121439436 

Quick Holder LF & Quick Base S

A set of “Quick Holder LF” and “Quick Base S”to hold INON LF series LED torch on YS type adapter. Combination with INON “Shoe Base II”enables you to attach INON LED torch simply on top of a housing.

Weight: 66 g/2.3 oz(air), approx. 38 g/1.3 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
[LED torch]
  LF2400h-EW, LF1100h-EWf,LF650h-N, LF3100-EW,
  LF1300-EWf, LF800-N, LF2700-W, LF1100-W,
  LF1400-S, LF1000-S

[Arm, adapter]
  Shoe Base II, Rotatable YS Extension Bar, Direct Base YS RT, Direct Base YS,
  Bar Mount, Grip Base D4, Grip Base M1, D Holder,  D Holder Extension Bar,
  YS Adapter MV, Double YS Adapter MV, YS Adapter WB MV,  YS Adapter,
  YS Arm MS, YS Arm M, Port Arm for MRS,  Port Arm for UFL-MR130 EFS60

Quick Holder LF & Quick Base S

A set of “Quick Holder LF” and “Quick Base S”to hold INON LF series LED torch on YS type adapter. Combination with INON “Shoe Base II”enables you to attach INON LED torch simply on top of a housing.

Weight: 66 g/2.3 oz(air), approx. 38 g/1.3 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
[LED torch]
LF2400h-EW, LF1100h-EWf,LF650h-N, LF3100-EW, LF1300-EWf, LF800-N, LF2700-W, LF1100-W, LF1400-S, LF1000-S

[Arm, adapter]
Shoe Base II, Rotatable YS Extension Bar, Direct Base YS RT, Direct Base YS, Bar Mount, Grip Base D4, Grip Base M1, D Holder, D Holder Extension Bar, YS Adapter MV, Double YS Adapter MV, YS Adapter WB MV, YS Adapter, YS Arm MS, YS Arm M, Port Arm for MRS, Port Arm for UFL-MR130 EFS60

Quick Holder Set S-LE

JAN code:4562121439429

Quick Holder LE &  Quick Base S

A set of “Quick Holder LE” and “Quick Base S”to hold INON LE series LED torch on YS type adapter. Combination with INON “Shoe Base II”enables you to attach INON LED torch simply on top of a housing.
Weight: 62 g/2.2 oz(air), approx. 33 g/1.2 oz(underwater)
Compatible products
[LED torch]
 LE700-S, LE700-W, LE350
 LE550-S, LE550-W, LE250, LE240
[Arm, adapter]
 Shoe Base IIRotatable YS Extension Bar, Direct Base YS RT, Direct Base YS
 Bar Mount, Grip Base D4, Grip Base M1, D Holder,  D Holder Extension Bar
  YS Adapter MV, Double YS Adapter MVYS Adapter WB MVYS Adapter
  Port Arm for MRSPort Arm for UFL-MR130 EFS60 

Quick Holder LE &  Quick Base S

A set of “Quick Holder LE” and “Quick Base S”to hold INON LE series LED torch on YS type adapter. Combination with INON “Shoe Base II”enables you to attach INON LED torch simply on top of a housing.
Weight: 62 g/2.2 oz(air), approx. 33 g/1.2 oz(underwater)
Compatible products
[LED torch]
LE700-S, LE700-W, LE350LE550-S, LE550-W, LE250, LE240 
[Arm, adapter]
Shoe Base IIRotatable YS Extension Bar, Direct Base YS RT, Direct Base YSBar Mount, Grip Base D4, Grip Base M1, D Holder, D Holder Extension BarYS Adapter MV, Double YS Adapter MVYS Adapter WB MV,YS AdapterPort Arm for MRSPort Arm for UFL-MR130 EFS60 

Quick Holder Set S-Z

JAN code:4562121439412

Quick Holder Z & Quick Base S

A set of “Quick Holder Z” and “Quick Base S”to hold INON strobe or action camera adapter on YS type adapter. Combination with INON “Shoe Base II”enables you to attach strobe/action camera simply on top of a housing.

Weight: 66 g/2.3 oz(air), approx. 35 g/1.2 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
 Z-330, D-200, S-2000
 Z-240, D-2000, D-2000-S, D-2000W/Wn
[Action cam adapter]
 SD Front Mask for HERO5/6/7 , SD Front Mask STD,  
 SD Mount Base UWH1, SD Mount Base for TG-Tracker
[Arm, adapter]
 Shoe Base IIRotatable YS Extension Bar, Direct Base YS RT, Direct Base YS
 Bar Mount, Grip Base D4, Grip Base M1, D Holder, D Holder Extension Bar
 YS Adapter MV, Double YS Adapter MVYS Adapter WB MVYS Adapter
 YS Arm MS, YS Arm MPort Arm for MRSPort Arm for UFL-MR130 EFS60 

Quick Holder Z & Quick Base S

A set of “Quick Holder Z” and “Quick Base S”to hold INON strobe or action camera adapter on YS type adapter. Combination with INON “Shoe Base II”enables you to attach strobe/action camera simply on top of a housing.

Weight: 66 g/2.3 oz(air), approx. 35 g/1.2 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
Z-330, D-200, S-2000Z-240, D-2000, D-2000-S, D-2000W/Wn 
[Action cam adapter]
SD Front Mask for HERO5/6/7 , SD Front Mask STD, SD Mount Base UWH1, SD Mount Base for TG-Tracker 
[Arm, adapter]
Shoe Base IIRotatable YS Extension Bar, Direct Base YS RT, Direct Base YSBar Mount, Grip Base D4, Grip Base M1, D Holder, D Holder Extension BarYS Adapter MV, Double YS Adapter MVYS Adapter WB MVYS AdapterYS Arm MS, YS Arm MPort Arm for MRSPort Arm for UFL-MR130 EFS60 

Options for Quick Holder Set

Grip Base D4


Grip Base M1


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Quick Holder

Quick Holder LF

JAN code: 4562121439405 


A component part equipped with female slide socket to attach LF series LED torch on YS type adapter in combination with “Quick Base S”or ”Quick Base M6W”.
Weight: 29 g/1.0 oz(air), approx. 16 g/0.6 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
[LED torch]
 LF2400h-EW, LF1100h-EWf, LF650h-N
 LF3100-EWLF1300-EWf, LF800-N
 LF2700-W, LF1100-W, LF1400-S, LF1000-S
 Quick Base S, Quick Base M6W


A component part equipped with female slide socket to attach LF series LED torch on YS type adapter in combination with “Quick Base S”or ”Quick Base M6W”.
Weight: 29 g/1.0 oz(air), approx. 16 g/0.6 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
[LED torch]
LF2400h-EW, LF1100h-EWf, LF650h-NLF3100-EWLF1300-EWf, LF800-NLF2700-W, LF1100-W, LF1400-S, LF1000-S 
Quick Base S, Quick Base M6W

Quick Holder LE

JAN code : 4562121439399 


A component part equipped with female slide socket to attach LE series LED torch on YS type adapter in combination with “Quick Base S”or ”Quick Base M6W”.
Weight: 24 g/0.8 oz(air), approx. 14 g/0.5 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
[LED torch]
 LE700-S, LE700-W,  LE350
 LE550-S, LE550-W, LE250, LE240
 Quick Base S, Quick Base M6W 


A component part equipped with female slide socket to attach LE series LED torch on YS type adapter in combination with “Quick Base S”or ”Quick Base M6W”.
Weight: 24 g/0.8 oz(air), approx. 14 g/0.5 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
[LED torch]
LE700-S, LE700-W,  LE350LE550-S, LE550-W, LE250, LE240 
Quick Base S, Quick Base M6W 

Quick Holder Z

JAN code : 4562121439382


A component part equipped with female slide socket to attach INON strobe or action camera adapter on YS type adapter in combination with “Quick Base S”or ”Quick Base M6W”.
Weight: 29 g/1.0 oz(air), approx. 15 g/0.5 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
  Z-330, D-200, S-2000
  Z-240, D-2000, D-2000-S, D-2000W/Wn
[Action cam adapter]
  SD Front Mask for HERO5/6/7 , SD Front Mask STD, 
  SD Mount Base UWH1, SD Mount Base for TG-Tracker
  Quick Base S, Quick Base M6W


A component part equipped with female slide socket to attach INON strobe or action camera adapter on YS type adapter in combination with “Quick Base S”or ”Quick Base M6W”.
Weight: 29 g/1.0 oz(air), approx. 15 g/0.5 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
Z-330, D-200, S-2000Z-240, D-2000, D-2000-S, D-2000W/Wn
[Action cam adapter]
SD Front Mask for HERO5/6/7 , SD Front Mask STD, SD Mount Base UWH1, SD Mount Base for TG-Tracker
Quick Base S, Quick Base M6W

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Quick Base

Quick Base S

JAN code:4562121439368


Another component part of “Quick Holder System” equipped with male slide socket to attach INON strobe, LED torch or action camera on YS type adapter in combination with “Quick Holder LE”, ”Quick Holder LF”or ”Quick Holder Z”.
Weight: 37 g/1.3 oz(air), approx. 20 g/0.7 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
[Quick Holder]
  Quick Holder LE, Quick Holder LF, Quick Holder Z
[Arm, adapter]
 Shoe Base IIRotatable YS Extension Bar, Direct Base YS RT, Direct Base YS
 Bar Mount, Grip Base D4, Grip Base M1, D Holder, D Holder Extension Bar
 YS Adapter MV, Double YS Adapter MVYS Adapter WB MVYS Adapter,
 YS Arm MS, YS Arm MPort Arm for MRSPort Arm for UFL-MR130 EFS60


Another component part of “Quick Holder System” equipped with male slide socket to attach INON strobe, LED torch or action camera on YS type adapter in combination with “Quick Holder LE”, ”Quick Holder LF”or ”Quick Holder Z”.
Weight: 37 g/1.3 oz(air), approx. 20 g/0.7 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
[Quick Holder]
Quick Holder LE, Quick Holder LF, Quick Holder Z
[Arm, adapter]
Shoe Base IIRotatable YS Extension Bar, Direct Base YS RT, Direct Base YSBar Mount, Grip Base D4, Grip Base M1, D Holder, D Holder Extension BarYS Adapter MV, Double YS Adapter MVYS Adapter WB MVYS AdapterYS Arm MS, YS Arm MPort Arm for MRSPort Arm for UFL-MR130 EFS60

Quick Base M6W

JAN code:4562121439375

Set-up example with S-2000 on top and
two LED torches on sides.

A Quick Holder System component equipped with male slide sockets to hold “Quick Holder LE”, ”Quick Holder LF”or ”Quick Holder Z” and top mount to hold an INON strobe or action cam adapter. Supports various lighting configurations on YS type adapter without making bulky to satisfy different lighting needs for underwater imaging.
Weight: 61 g/2.2 oz(air), approx. 31 g/1.1 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
[Quick Holder]
 Quick Holder LE, Quick Holder LF, Quick Holder Z
 Z-330, D-200, S-2000
 Z-240, D-2000, D-2000-S, D-2000W/Wn
[Action cam adapter]
 SD Front Mask for HERO5/6/7 , SD Front Mask STD, 
 SD Mount Base UWH1, SD Mount Base for TG-Tracker
[Arm, adapter]
 Shoe Base IIRotatable YS Extension Bar, Direct Base YS RT, Direct Base YS
 Bar Mount, Grip Base D4, Grip Base M1, D Holder, D Holder Extension Bar
 YS Adapter MV, Double YS Adapter MVYS Adapter WB MVYS Adapter,
 YS Arm MS, YS Arm MPort Arm for MRSPort Arm for UFL-MR130 EFS60


Set-up example with S-2000 on top and two LED torches on sides.


A Quick Holder System component equipped with male slide sockets to hold “Quick Holder LE”, ”Quick Holder LF”or ”Quick Holder Z” and top mount to hold an INON strobe or action cam adapter. Supports various lighting configurations on YS type adapter without making bulky to satisfy different lighting needs for underwater imaging.
Weight: 61 g/2.2 oz(air), approx. 31 g/1.1 oz(underwater)

Compatible products
[Quick Holder]
Quick Holder LE, Quick Holder LF, Quick Holder Z
Z-330, D-200, S-2000Z-240, D-2000, D-2000-S, D-2000W/Wn
[Action cam adapter]
SD Front Mask for HERO5/6/7 , SD Front Mask STD, SD Mount Base UWH1, SD Mount Base for TG-Tracker
[Arm, adapter]
Shoe Base IIRotatable YS Extension Bar, Direct Base YS RT, Direct Base YSBar Mount, Grip Base D4, Grip Base M1, D Holder, D Holder Extension BarYS Adapter MV, Double YS Adapter MVYS Adapter WB MVYS AdapterYS Arm MS, YS Arm MPort Arm for MRSPort Arm for UFL-MR130 EFS60 

Set-up Example

Set-up Example

1.Olympus "TG-5" + Olympus "PT-058"
2."Shoe Base II"
3."Rotatable YS Extension Bar"
4."Quick Holder Set S-LF"

Set-up Example

1.Olympus "TG-5" + Olympus "PT-058"
3."Shoe Base II"
4."Quick Holder Set S-LE"
5."Clamp III"   x 2
6."Stick Arm S-T"
7."YS Adapter MV"
8."Quick Holder Set S-Z"
9."Optical D Cable Type L/Double Hole Rubber Bush Set"
11."Holder III Set" 

Set-up Example

2."Shoe Base II"
3."Rotatable YS Extension Bar"
4."Quick Base M6W"
5.GoPro® "HERO7 BLACK" + "Super Suit"
6."SD Front Mask for HERO5/6/7"
7."Direct Base III"
8."Clamp III"   x 2
9."Stick Arm S-T"
10."YS Adapter MV"
11."Quick Base M6W"
12."LE700-S" + "Quick Holder LE"
14."LF2400h-EW" + "Quick Holder LF"
15."Optical D Cable Type L/Double Hole Rubber Bush Set"
16."Holder III Set"

* GOPRO, HERO, are trademarks or registered trademarks of GoPro, Inc.


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